PLS&TY – I Miss You (ft. Alex Aiono & Wifisfuneral)

PLS&TY has been on the map for us for many years and it’s amazing seeing their development as an artist. It’s always beautiful when their new style aligns with the sound we’ve been seeking out. It meshes perfectly with what we’re looking for on many different levels all culminating into auditory love. This track is an absolute groove and takes the listener through a musical journey that may not leave the listener feeling the same by the end. It’s heartfelt/emotional, positive, yet brings the listener to the edge to where they can barely stay in the seat. There’s so many layers to this track which is one of the reasons it’s so beautiful. It’s taken multiple listens to take it in and we keep discovering more. Now that’s intricate work.

Alex Aiono & Wifisfuneral are new to us but think they were the perfect match for the track as it feels just right to our ears. It’s amazing both have slipped past us this long but we always like to believe artists come into our lives at the right time. We aren’t the biggest rap fans generally but the flow fits seamless and we couldn’t help ourselves. We’re going to be rocking this one for awhile and hope it resonates with everyone just at much! Cheers.

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